Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers to many of our most common questions. If you can’t find the information you are looking for please contact our office at (772) 288-2345 or email us at ccccenter@bellsouth.net so we can add the information to this page.

#1 •What Is The CCDC?

The CCDC is a Christian based, not-for-profit, ministry established to provide free emergency dental care (extraction of abscessed, non-restorable teeth) and complete dental care to Medicaid and low income patients at a reduced fee.

#2 • Do I Need To Be A Resident Of Martin County, Florida or the USA?

No, our services are available to any one who financially qualifies.

#3 • Do I Have To Belong To A Certain Church Or Hold To Certain Beliefs In Order To Receive Care?

No, our services are available to any person, regardless of background, nationality, or spiritual beliefs. The one qualification is that you must document your financial need.

#4 • What Do I Need To Do Financially To Qualify?

You must bring to the clinic some type of written document showing that you are in financial need of help. Such documentation includes:

  • an official copy of recent tax return (form 1040)
  • letter of non-filing from the IRS (call: 1-800-829-3676)
  • current Medicaid card
  • may bring a letter from any community organization stating to the best of their ability that they believe the person and/or family to be of low income (undocumented persons only)
  • photo ID

We do not accept the following as proof of financial need:

  • food stamp card or letter showing current eligibility
  • pay stubs from employer
  • social security or disability statement
  • W-2 forms

#5 • What Is The Limit Of My Income In Order To Qualify?

You must be at or below the 200% poverty level as established by the State of Florida Health Department. You may call our office to find out the current amount for the size of your family.

#6 • Do I Need To Qualify Every Time I Come To The Clinic?

No, you will be qualified for as long as the document you presented to us says you will receive benefits, i.e., Medicaid. If you use a tax return or Letter of Non-filing, you will be qualified until April 15 of your next filing deadline.

#7 • Can I Qualify For Treatment If I Have Dental Insurance?

If you have any type of dental insurance, including Medicaid, you do not qualify for the Friday clinic where extractions are done free of charge.

However, if you have Full Medicaid benefits, you are eligible to come by appointment to our Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Clinic and be treated. All Medicaid patients will be seen only at the M-T-W Clinic.

If you have another type of dental insurance or something other than Full Medicaid, i.e., Share of Cost, you can still be seen at the M-T-W Clinic if your income is below the 200% poverty line. The clinic does not except third party payments from any private insurances.

All new patients must first register on Thursday a morning by appointment only (there is no charge for registration), presenting proof of their financial status, before they will receive any treatment, either on Friday mornings or on M-T-W Clinic.

#8 • How Do I Become Qualified?

You must schedule an appointment to come to the center on registration day and present your financial documents to one of our counselors and complete the registration forms. See #4 and #7 above. You MUST call and schedule an appointment to register for which there is no fee . We are currently registering patients on Thursday mornings between 8:30 -11:00 AM by appointment only. We take a limited number of appointments, so please call in advance to complete the pre-financial screening and schedule your appointment.

#9 • How Do I Get To See The Dentist?

You must first complete the  financial documentation to be qualified on a Thursday morning. (See Question #4) Once qualified, you then are eligible to see the dentist for emergency dental care on Friday mornings, unless you have dental insurance including Medicaid.  After registering on a Thursday morning, you will need to call for an appointment on a M-T-W to see the dentist and be treated.

Currently, on Friday mornings, 8:30 AM to 11 AM., the dentist provides free extractions for low income patients. We typically see approximately 20 patients, and patients are seen by appointment only. We only take a limited number of appointments every Friday, so you will need to call in advance to be sure of an opportunity to see the dentist.

#10 • Who Are The People Who Run The Clinic?

The clinic has been established by Christian people in the community who volunteer their time and money in order for the clinic to operate.

#11 • Who Owns The Clinic/Property?

The clinic is a non-profit organization directed by a board of directors. As such, the clinic is not owned by any individual, and operates under the board of directors.  Other expenses are paid by gifts and donations from individuals, churches and organizations.

#12 • Can Tax-Deductible Gifts Be Made To The CCCC?

Yes. The CCCC is a 501(C) 3, not-for-profit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service.

#13 • What Type Of Dental Services Do You Provide?

All patients coming to center, once registered, will receive a limited or complete examination, x-rays and a treatment plan for a minimal fee.

The Center provides free emergency dental care consisting of free extractions of abscessed, non-restorable teeth on Fridays. Our purpose is to alleviate pain and infection.

The Center now offers complete dental care consisting of cleaning, periodontal treatment, fillings, root canals, crowns, partial and full dentures. These services are available to all Medicaid and low income patients, at a reduced fee at our M-T-W Clinic.

We do not do elective surgery, such as the removal of third molars (wisdom teeth) due to possible crowding of anterior teeth or prior to orthodontic treatment.

#14 • Who Are The Dentists?

All the dentists are licensed and certified by the State of Florida. Some are retired, and some are still active in their private practices.

#15 • Are The Instruments Clean And Sterile?

Absolutely Yes! Every instrument used in our Center is sterilized in a steam/pressure autoclave; the exact same procedure used in an operating room of a hospital. Our autoclave is test/monitored every month by an independent laboratory to certify its sterilizing effectiveness.

#16 • Are More Volunteers Needed And How Can I Volunteer?

Yes. More volunteers are always needed, and you do not need a dental background in order to help us. We especially could use more dentists and people to assist the dentist in providing care for the patients on Friday mornings. We can train anyone who is willing to help. Just call or email the Center and express your desire for information on volunteering. We would be very happy to talk with you about volunteering.

#17 • Can Retired Dentists Help?

Yes. The Florida Board of Dentistry will provide a special license/permit for any retired dentist, regardless of where they practiced (out of state), which allows them to provide free dental care under the Sovereign Immunity umbrella provide by the State of Florida.